This is the complete list of members for NetworkIpInterface, including all inherited members.
GetAdapterIndex(const String &adapterName) | NetworkIpInterface | static |
GetAdapterIndex(const NetworkIpAddr &address) | NetworkIpInterface | static |
GetAllNetworkAdapters() | NetworkIpInterface | static |
GetBestNetworkAdapter(PROTOCOL protocol=PROTOCOL::IPV4) | NetworkIpInterface | static |
GetBroadcastAddress(const NetworkIpAddr &ipAddress, const NetworkIpAddr &subnetMask) | NetworkIpInterface | static |
GetHostname() | NetworkIpInterface | static |
GetHostname(const NetworkIpAddr &ipAddr, Bool useShortHostname=false) | NetworkIpInterface | static |
GetIpAddress(const String &address, Bool resolve=true, Bool forceResolve=false) | NetworkIpInterface | static |
GetIpAddressAndPort(const String &address, Bool resolve=true, Bool forceResolve=false) | NetworkIpInterface | static |
GetMacAddress() | NetworkIpInterface | static |
GetTimeString() | NetworkIpInterface | static |
MacAddressToString(const BaseArray< UChar > &macAddress) | NetworkIpInterface | static |
MAXON_INTERFACE_NONVIRTUAL(NetworkIpInterface, MAXON_REFERENCE_NORMAL, "net.maxon.interface.networkip") | NetworkIpInterface | private |
MAXON_OBSERVABLE_STATIC(void, ObservableNetworkInterfaceChanged,(), ObservableCombinerRunAllComponent) | NetworkIpInterface | |
OpenListener(const NetworkIpAddrPort &address, const ThreadRef &thread, TimeValue connectionTimeout, Bool useNagleAlgorithm) | NetworkIpInterface | static |
OpenListener(const String &address, const ThreadRef &thread, TimeValue connectionTimeout, Bool useNagleAlgorithm) | NetworkIpInterface | static |
OpenOutgoing(const NetworkIpAddrPort &address, const ThreadRef &thread, TimeValue connectTimeout, TimeValue sessionTimeout, Bool useNagleAlgorithm, Bool fullDuplex) | NetworkIpInterface | static |
OpenOutgoing(const String &address, const ThreadRef &thread, TimeValue connectTimeout, TimeValue sessionTimeout, Bool useNagleAlgorithm, Bool fullDuplex) | NetworkIpInterface | static |
OpenWaitForIncoming(const NetworkConnectionRef &listener, const ThreadRef &connection, TimeValue connectionTimeout, Bool fullDuplex) | NetworkIpInterface | static |
ResolveHostname(const String &address, PROTOCOL ptype, BaseArray< NetworkIpAddr > &arr, Bool firstMatch=true, Bool forceResolve=false) | NetworkIpInterface | static |
SocketIOWait(SOCKET socket, SOCKETMODE mode, TimeValue timeoutMode, const ThreadRef &bt) | NetworkIpInterface | static |
SplitAddress(const String &address, String *scheme, String *host, Int32 *port) | NetworkIpInterface | static |
WakeOnLan(const BaseArray< UChar > &macAddress, const NetworkIpAddr &broadcastAddress) | NetworkIpInterface | static |