LassoSelection Member List

This is the complete list of members for LassoSelection, including all inherited members.

Free(LassoSelection *&ls)LassoSelectionstatic
GetRectangle(Float &x1, Float &y1, Float &x2, Float &y2)LassoSelection
Start(GeDialog &dlg, Int32 mode, Int32 start_x=-1, Int32 start_y=-1, Int32 start_button=-1, Int32 sx1=-1, Int32 sy1=-1, Int32 sx2=-1, Int32 sy2=-1)LassoSelection
Start(GeUserArea &ua, Int32 mode, Int32 start_x=-1, Int32 start_y=-1, Int32 start_button=-1, Int32 sx1=-1, Int32 sy1=-1, Int32 sx2=-1, Int32 sy2=-1)LassoSelection
Start(EditorWindow *win, Int32 mode, Int32 start_x=-1, Int32 start_y=-1, Int32 start_button=-1, Int32 sx1=-1, Int32 sy1=-1, Int32 sx2=-1, Int32 sy2=-1)LassoSelection
Test(Int32 x, Int32 y)LassoSelection
TestPolygon(const Vector &pa, const Vector &pb, const Vector &pc, const Vector &pd)LassoSelection