This is the complete list of members for GvPort, including all inherited members.
Calculate(GvNode *bn, GvRun *r, GvCalc *c) | GvPort | |
CalculatePortData(GvPort *data, void *dest, GvRun *r, GvValueFlags calculation, Float parm1=0.0_f) | GvPort | |
CalculateRawData(void *data, void *dest, GvRun *r, GvValueFlags calculation, Float parm1=0.0_f) | GvPort | |
CalculateRawDataRev(void *data, void *dest, GvRun *r, GvValueFlags calculation, Float parm1=0.0_f) | GvPort | |
CalculateRawRawData(void *data1, void *data2, void *dest, GvRun *r, GvValueFlags calculation, Float parm1=0.0_f) | GvPort | |
CopyPortData(GvPort *source, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
CopyRawData(void *source, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
GetBool(Bool *b, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
GetData(void *d, GvValueID type, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
GetDataInstance(const void *&d, GvValueID type, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
GetFloat(Float *f, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
GetIncomingDestination(GvNode *&node, GvPort *&port) | GvPort | |
GetIncomingSource(GvNode *&node, GvPort *&port) | GvPort | |
GetInstance(BaseList2D *&i, GvRun *r, Int32 *index=nullptr) | GvPort | |
GetInteger(Int32 *i, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
GetIO() | GvPort | |
GetMainID() | GvPort | |
GetMaterial(BaseList2D *&m, GvRun *r, Int32 *index=nullptr) | GvPort | |
GetMatrix(Matrix *m, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
GetName(GvNode *node) | GvPort | |
GetNormal(Vector *n, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
GetNrOfConnections() | GvPort | |
GetObject(BaseList2D *&o, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
GetObjectWithIndex(BaseList2D *&o, GvRun *r, Int32 *index=nullptr) | GvPort | |
GetOutgoing(Int32 index) | GvPort | |
GetString(String *s, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
GetSubID() | GvPort | |
GetTag(BaseList2D *&t, GvRun *r, Int32 *index=nullptr) | GvPort | |
GetTime(BaseTime *t, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
GetUserData() | GvPort | |
GetUserID() | GvPort | |
GetValid(GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
GetValueType() | GvPort | |
GetVector(Vector *v, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
GetVisible() | GvPort | |
GvPort() | GvPort | private |
IsIncomingConnected() | GvPort | |
RemoveConnection() | GvPort | |
RemovePortConnections() | GvPort | |
SetBool(Bool b, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
SetCalculated(GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
SetData(const void *d, GvValueID type, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
SetFloat(Float f, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
SetInstance(const BaseList2D *const i, GvRun *r, Int32 index=0) | GvPort | |
SetInteger(Int32 i, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
SetMainID(Int32 id) | GvPort | |
SetMaterial(const BaseList2D *const m, GvRun *r, Int32 index=0) | GvPort | |
SetMatrix(const Matrix &m, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
SetName(const maxon::String &name) | GvPort | |
SetNormal(const Vector &n, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
SetObject(const BaseList2D *o, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
SetObjectWithIndex(const BaseList2D *const o, GvRun *r, Int32 index=0) | GvPort | |
SetRecalculate(GvRun *r, Bool force_set=false) | GvPort | |
SetString(const maxon::String &s, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
SetTag(const BaseList2D *const t, GvRun *r, Int32 index=0) | GvPort | |
SetTime(const BaseTime &t, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
SetUserData(const GeData &data) | GvPort | |
SetUserID(Int32 id) | GvPort | |
SetValid(GvRun *r, Bool v) | GvPort | |
SetVector(const Vector &v, GvRun *r) | GvPort | |
SetVisible(Bool v) | GvPort | |
~GvPort() | GvPort | private |