Hello Ferdinand,
I have now read the Guidelines, I sincerely apologize for that oversight, but nonetheless thank you for taking time to write back to me.
Yes I obviously have had a big misconception in how cinema4d worked with code and how linking would be done. I should have read what I send twice before doing so.
My idea is the "Relative references" you have in Houdini, where you can link two values to each other with a relative value to the host. The reason I said it could be done manually was me trying to explain that you can also do it with an Xpresso Driver. The reason for that was because you would have to assign the first driver to the input you would like to control to the other input that you want controlled by the first input. The reason I wanted it to be automatically was so it could be procedural and you would just need the tag and reference the "source" like doing something that clones all values in real time without having to manually set the drivers for each parameter.
Best regards
Jonas Mortensen